Whenever you think of creating some online presence. what comes to your mind is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. but if you are an introvert ( For introverts, survival is not so easy ) you may find it difficult to directly explore yourself publically, so while you want to create an online presence you should start with something that you can do easily and constantly, like Blogging, etc.
Here is some common step that you can find everywhere on the internet.
- Choose your blog name and get your blog hosting.
- Start your blog by adding WordPress.
- Pick a simple theme to make your blog your own.
- Add two key blogging plugins to find your readers and track stats.
- Write compelling content to create a blog that your readers love.
My Suggestion:
-> Try to write one blog daily
-> Find some interesting topics, if you face difficulty in this read some books or articles. [ Resent book I started reading, How to win friends and influence people (by-Dale Carnegie)]
-> Try to create an instant eye-catcher poster or images, or just create it by own with Canva or anything you like.
-> social as much you can because it will help you to grow fast. (eg. creating a page on social media)
-> Be constant with your work.